The Condition Of Some Lonely People
By: Stephen K. Ainsah-Mensah
Loneliness isn't a story you should tell when you think you're alone. Aloneness isn't a blot on life unless you allow the breath of aloneness to blow against your spirit of self-determination and stall it. Aloneness, it may be stated further, refreshes life with a force that calls on you to do something very rewarding in the absence of people. This kind of calling is pretty uncommon, yet when responded to so well, it yields very productive results. When this calling isn't responded to, life could degenerate into a miserable form. So, what do you mean when you say: “I feel lonely?” Aren't you idling about whenever you utter this gratuitous remark? Count yourself lucky when dawn brings a new freshness into life just as you had the energy to make full use of the moonlight that glows the dark night. Whether it's dawn or night (or nature's graces interspersed between these two), there's hope of accomplishments based on the level of your creative endeavours. Or, did you abandon the glaring hope that stirred right at your face when moonlight was waving at you? I suppose you did because moonlight is a gift you should seize so cheerfully when it glitters your way and reminds you of productive actions you have to take. Dawn too, for sure, waited for you. Did you make use of it well, or did you allow it to freeze your inner life? I see! You didn't do the things you should have done. Reasonable people are inclined to saying that you missed your sense of purpose. Dawn or night, you are called upon to brighten your life - though in different ways - with the milky breath of the comforting dawn or the wondrous lights of the brilliant moon.
The thought of being alone vibrated in your psyche so much and this was enough to design the pattern of your life through the route of loneliness. Isn't this your weakness? Isn't this sufficient proof that you've chosen to follow the gullible crowd? Yes, it's a crowd that far outnumbers any others because its proponents know only one thing: self-gratification mediated and sanctioned by a credulous public. If this isn't self-abasement, what is? Haven't you listened too much to the voice of a very sentimental public that takes as a fact that being alone indicates eccentricity? You know very well that by following a hatched eccentricity you would be postponing your personal progress.
Just remember that whenever you face the challenge of solitariness, that's the time you need to be busy working on your unexplored talent, unearthing it, and organizing it with resolute dedication. You're lucky to have the dawn, the sunshine, the twilight, the moonlight of nature in your presence. They want you to use their respective graces for your personal creativity, success and subsequent joy. Why should you care about the public's counterproductive concerns about your private life, about how you use your time when you're alone? Remember that in life, public comments that discourage you from being personally ingenious also discourage you from moving your life in the direction that pleases the force of your talent.
Oh? Did you say luck isn't on your side? Hasn't the wind of grace, inspired by nature, blown so serenely into the salubrious conduits of your life? And if they have, then you should have the vigor to start any activity of your own choice that you think can enrich life. That's what life is really for! Your unstained freedom and development begins here, continues from here and grows naturally as if there is no end to it. That's the way you ought to function. What's your problem, then?
Comrades, the above small account is about Mr. Q. His problems are what you haven't been able to comprehend within the confines of (human) decorum. You've criticized Q; many will do likewise. You don't understand that the natural flow of actions and events isn't available to Q. In fact, the actions and events have been dressed up in artificial clothes. If you see Q alone, idling over his loneliness, he has some good reasons. The spirits, the welcoming lights of nature, the freshness of the air that beckon Q to resort to creative deeds fall on deaf ears, blinded feelings and hazy percepts.
Those with great power use the power to bend the wishes of moonlight and dawn - or whatever intersperses them. That is why Q is unable to actualize his thoughts and feelings. He gave up on self-determination for creativity long ago as he saw that the backbone of his conscience and feelings were broken. You can't feel Q's problems because you haven't been able to grasp the essence of his problems from the dawn of his history up to the present. Q has a veritable culture, but it has been torn apart by those with great power. They believe life between or among people should be made to follow an unequal path. You have power, Q doesn't; you have a sovereign culture defined subjectively as superior (by you) compared to the culture of Q. From this structure of belief, you think it's entirely legitimate to prevent Q from seeking equity, equality with you.
You think your perceptual experiences about what goes on in addition to your conceptual grasp about the percepts is enough to judge the predicaments of Q. YOU'RE WRONG! This man, Q, isn't the kind who can readily will what his conscience and feelings necessitate at any moment in time. The forces of difference as opposed to the forces of equity and equality weigh heavily on him; he's unable to lift himself up! In fact, these forces haunt Q like a customary sort of thing. Don't you understand that when life is wedged in artificial crevasses erected through the sinful intentions of iniquitous people, Q's chances of surmounting his difficulties and making productive use of moonlight's and dawn's blessings are close to zero?
Yes, you don't understand where Q is coming from, so you won't know where he has to go, how and why? But why should Q and his like be in this position and not others? Ask those who think this human arrangement is in order, nice, worthy of retention. Go on to ask them why they think so. Their answers will lack the most basic logic and will shock you. Yes, the superiority syndrome of those with power also constitutes paranoia. Do you understand? Where in the configuration of life can you show factual and logical proofs about why you think you're superior to Q? Repeatedly, you try to do so but in abstractions, for you refuse to enable your proofs to have the necessary and adequate connections with the environmental determinants of life. Who, in any case, told you it's right to judge others from your own selfish perspective? Aren't the environmental determinants of your lives different from that of Q's? If they are, then stop judging others, debasing their level of intelligence, emotional calmness, moral character, and so on. The difficulties that arise from your needless pride and arrogance is that they prompt you to be careless and ruthless in your dealings with Q. Often, you run over Q's history and culture with the objective of replacing them with yours. When you do so - or you're doing so – you justify your doings in the name of progress. Progress in this sense has been tagged with a meaning, which only people of your kind understand and accept.
Are you right? No, you aren't! Now, you - or shall we say, we? - can see why the contradictory human arrangements that distort the natural direction of progress were created by you. Repent!